The remarkable power of today’s computers is in large part a reflection of Moore’s Law – the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. Improved patterning optics and reduced patterning wavelengths have enabled transistor sizes to keep shrinking. Next-generation technology may well enable artificial intelligence and machine learning through conventional computing, and potentially through neuromorphic paradigms, bringing to reality transformative applications such as self-driving cars and smart buildings. Today’s integrated circuits rely on multiple-patterning deep ultraviolet (DUV) lithography using light at 193 nanometers (nm). Multiple exposures increase costs. To manufacture affordable next-generation technology in high volumes, chipmakers will need single-exposure extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography using light at 13.5 nm. Today’s EUV technology works with light at 13.5 nm, generated from laser-powered plasma sources. Light at this wavelength is especially challenging, as extremely high-precision quality control and characterization are needed in the materials, equipment, and components used in lithography tools.